Author: Tabitha Montgomery

  • Less than two weeks ago, Flourish hosted our first ever Reclaim, Reimagine, & Repurpose – R3 Spaces Summit. Then, a day after that, we…

  • Why a Summit? Last week, Tim announced that Flourish Placemaking Collective is hosting our first annual R3 Spaces Summit on Thursday, May 16th. R3…

  • Last Wednesday arguably marked one of the more controversial and widely celebrated holidays in many countries worldwide.  Yes, Valentine’s Day! Some folks lean into…

  • Our lives are defined by more than one thing. So many things, in fact. The things we believe,the things we try,the places we go,the…

  • I suspect many folks across the country might still be spending time with family and friends in connection to Thanksgiving. Holidays, and celebrations in…

  • I suspect a lot of reasons motivate us to vote. Key issues. Social norms. Current laws. Potential laws. Inspiring leaders. It’s still safe in…

  • “That was easy!” That’s likely not what anybody has said, ever, after exercising. Sure, one might say it was rewarding, challenging, even necessary, but likely…

  • “Mirror, Mirror… ” I think we know how the rest of that line goes. A real classic in the Disney canon that gives you…

  • For me, there’s nothing like a good book.   You know… the kind you can’t quite put down. The ones you’ll lose sleep over to…